A free planetarium application for Windows, macOS X, iOS, Android, Linux and Raspberry Pi.
Version 3.0.304 (01/14/2025)
Various corrections and improvements.
Version 3.0.301 (12/28/2023)
Various corrections and improvements.
Version 3.0.293 (10/20/2023)
All compilations use Qt 6.5 (except the Windows x86 version, which remains at Qt 5.11 for compatibility reasons).
Better support for artificial satellites.
The program now manages 40,000 asteroids.
Version 3.0.292 (09/13/2023)
WinStars 3 is now free !
Version 3.0.287 (06/17/2023)
Rayleigh scattering for a more realistic rendering of the atmosphere.
Planet orbits displayed in planetarium mode.
Manual adjustment of sky background brightness.
Qt 5.15.9 on all platforms.
Version 3.0.286 (06/05/2023)
Android: test all W3 features during 24h!
Android: Qt 5.15.9
Version 3.0.286 (04/16/2023)
The Hubble telescope recovers its orientation in real time in W3.
Version 3.0.284 (04/02/2023)
Android & iOS: Removal of the “video” function which was useless and required too many permissions.
Version 3.0.281 (03/26/2023)
Improved appearance of stars in “3D Navigation” mode (activate “star3d” module).
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.276 (03/02/2023)
Reorganization of the scientific news in the “Presentation” box.
Version 3.0.273 (02/05/2023)
Android & iOS: new option in the 3d submenu allowing to improve the main textures of the program (landscapes, sky background etc…).
Version 3.0.270 (12/15/2022)
Access the astronomical news by clicking on the i symbols that now appear on the sky charts.
Fixes a problem affecting the download of GaiaEDR3 data.
Version 3.0.269 (11/23/2022)
First 3D landscapes (you can move around using SHIFT + directional arrows).
Updating of the trajectory of Artemis I.
Version 3.0.268 (11/18/2022)
Introduction of all known exoplanets (only visible in the planetarium mode for the moment. It is possible to get the complete list by typing list exoin the search box).
Mission Artemis 1.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.263 (10/25/2022)
Upgraded to Qt 6.4.
Bug fixes.
Version 3.0.261 (07/02/2022)
Milky Way a little brighter. More stars visible at the same time (Android or iOS: reset the settings for best results).
Version 3.0.258 (06/24/2022)
Added a thread to load textures faster.
Version 3.0.254 (06/14/2022)
Added new deep sky catalogs (more than 100000 additional objects).
Possibility to find a deep sky object by entering in the search box – these are examples – Messier 1, M 13, NGC 1305, C 875, B 123, LDN 165, LBN 132, PGC 123343…
Version 3.0.253 (06/03/2022)
Enhanced calculations of object positions.
New optimizations.
Version 3.0.251 (05/30/2022)
It is now possible to walk on the surface of Mars, Moon and Earth.
Version 3.0.248 (05/14/2022)
Better integration of the 280b and GaiaEDR3 catalogs.
Updated OpenNGC catalog.
Qt version 5.15.4
New labels available for stars (HD or HIP numbers).
Many improvements.
Version 3.0.244 (04/30/2022)
Significant improvement of the DSS (Digitized Sky Survey) function.
Creation of a cache server to speed up the downloading of DSS images and stars from the Gaia EDR3 catalog.
Version 3.0.243 (03/23/2022)
Improved accuracy of the positions of the satellites of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
Addition of small Saturn’s satellites Calypso, Helene and Telesto.
Version 3.0.241 (03/09/2022)
Optimization of the program.
Improvement of the camera movements.
Version 3.0.239 (12/20/2021)
JWST (available after launch), TESS and Kepler missions.
Version 3.0.238 (11/29/2021)
More detailed information boxes.
Version 3.0.236 (11/20/2021)
Updated images of the most important deep sky objects.
Local copy of the W3 database to limit the access of the program to the Internet.
Version 3.0.234 (11/05/2021)
Improved rendering of planetary surfaces.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.233 (11/01/2021)
Bug fixes.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.230 (10/24/2021)
Relief rendering of some satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.227 (10/04/2021)
Objects are no longer locked by default.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.225 (09/29/2021)
Rosetta mission.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.222 (09/15/2021)
Optimisation of the 3d representation of the surface of the Earth, Mars and the Moon.
Android (paid version) : the 3d display of surfaces is now possible, but you need a device compatible with the standard openGL ES 3.2 or more.
Version 3.0.220 (09/11/2021)
In the paid version, asteroids and comets are represented individually in 3D using different methods: space imagery, radar imagery or light curves (limited to identification numbers < 100 for the moment).
Version 3.0.219 (08/28/2021)
More efficient zooming
Android: fewer permissions needed to install W3
Android: use of .aab format to reduce the size of updates
Version 3.0.218 (07/15/2021)
Fixed a problem affecting the display of planets in planetarium mode.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.207 (05/21/2021)
New menu (Android 3).
Bugs fixed.
Version 3.0.204 (04/22/2021)
Improved appearance of the stars (in particular, it is now possible to adjust the color saturation).
Version 3.0.203 (04/16/2021)
WinStars 3 is now compatible with the Raspberry Pi 4 & 400 nanocomputers.
The program regularly consults a weather website to automatically collect the pressure and temperature of the observation site.
Correction of a bug affecting the entry of negative numbers in dialog boxes.
New shortcuts.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.182 (01/06/2021)
It is now possible to select an object by keeping a long press on it.
Improved 3D visualisation of the stars when moving among them.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.181 (12/30/2020)
Very significant improvement of graphics performance. W3 now works on the smallest Android devices.
Bug fixes.
Various enhancements.
Version 3.0.180 (12/22/2020)
New optimizations.
Version 3.0.176 (12/16/2020)
Performance improvements.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.173 (12/03/2020)
Improvement of the Search box (you can now type a name without diacritical signs).
Performance improvements.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.172 (11/28/2020)
What is the origin of the names of the stars? (learning module)
Version 3.0.167 (11/15/2020)
A new feature “Tonight” has been added (under development)
Various improvements
Version 3.0.166 (10/31/2020)
Improvement of the representation of the constellations
Update of the OpenNGC catalogue
Version 3.0.165 (10/27/2020)
Star names in Russian (thank you Sergey!)
Various fixes…
Version 3.0.162 (10/21/2020)
Icons to locate deep sky objects more easily.
The new ” learning astronomy ” function is developing rapidly.
The program speaks!
Version 3.0.159 (10/11/2020)
Integration of users’ suggestions.
Version 3.0.157 (10/08/2020)
Implementation of an astronomy education module (under development).
Asteroids and comets will gradually be represented with their real form.
Correction of defects in the interface.
Version 3.0.154 (09/20/2020)
The labels of the objects no longer overlap.
Android: fixed a flickering window problem in portrait mode.
Version 3.0.151 (09/10/2020)
Introduction of a new option to reduce the amount of text displayed on the starry sky. This option is useful for small configurations (phones, tablets).
Version 3.0.148 (09/04/2020)
Planetarium mode: corrected many defects that appear when using a high magnification (imprecise pointer coordinates, misalignment of DSS plates, difficulties in selecting an object).
Planetarium mode: the Moon is represented with better resolution if textures are available.
Planetarium mode: the planet surface is rendered faster.
Version 3.0.147 (09/02/2020)
WinStars uses Indi (https://indilib.org/) for controlling telescopes under macOS.
Version 3.0.146 (09/01/2020)
WinStars uses Indi (https://indilib.org/) for controlling telescopes under Linux.
Bugs correction.
Version 3.0.145 (08/24/2020)
The interface and 3d visualization now work at the same speed. By clicking on a window and moving it to the left, it is now possible to close it.
Version 3.0.144 (08/22/2020)
Correction of the interface
First iOS tests
Version 3.0.141 (08/02/2020)
Faster rendering
Preparation of an iOS version
Version 3.0.138 (07/01/2020)
Android: various improvements
Version 3.0.136 (05/12/2020)
Android: adjusts the display with the orientation of the mobile phone
Better stability
Version 3.0.134 (05/05/2020)
Improved font display.
Version 3.0.132 (04/30/2020)
Geologic map of the Moon (US Geological Survey).
Version 3.0.131 (04/28/2020)
Improved orbits representation.
Version 3.0.129 (04/19/2020)
Android: Interface improvement.
Version 3.0.128 (04/12/2020)
Integration of the DE438 planetary model from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Code refactoring of the source code.
Bug fixes.
Version 3.0.121 (03/06/2020)
Displaying the Starlink megaconstellation.
Version 3.0.118 (02/24/2020)
Introduction of tessellation: the surface of planets in 3D.
Version 3.0.115 (02/11/2020)
New “Search” dialog box
Improved video mode.
Windows, Linux: reduction in the amount of data to download during an update.
Version 3.0.113 (02/07/2020)
Better sky color according to the time of day.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.110 (01/25/2020)
Switching to OpenGL 3.3 graphics standards for desktop versions and OpenGL ES 3.0 for mobile versions.
Use of Vertex Array Objects to speed up the display of the stars.
Improvement of the Saturn representation.
Fixed a bug affecting the search of the objects.
Android: dialog boxes never accepted text input from the virtual keyboard !
Fixed a bug that caused stars with magnitude greater than 13 to be displayed several times and slowed down the program considerably.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.106 (01/15/2020)
Fixed bugs affecting the fullscreen mode.
Version 3.0.105 (01/12/2020)
By double-clicking on the name of an object you can now select an object.
Version 3.0.104 (12/26/2019)
Real-time magnitude of Betelgeuse.
Modification of the Animations box.
New icon in the menu system used to reverse the time.
Version 3.0.102 (12/11/2019)
Fixed a problem with the Presentation box.
Version 3.0.101 (12/10/2019)
Introduction of the delta T time correction by Espenak and Meeus (2006).
Reverse the double left and right mouse clicks for better use on PCs with touch screens.
Updated libraries used by WinStars (Assimp, Quazip, zlib, Freetype).
Online documentation.
Various improvements.
Version 3.0.100 (11/19/2019)
Performance improvements
Version 3.0.99 (11/15/2019)
Performance improvements
Version 3.0.98 (11/13/2019)
Performance improvements
Android: better display of menus
Version 3.0.97 (11/05/2019)
Improved interface
Version 3.0.96 (10/22/2019)
Better font rendering
Increased framerate
Version 3.0.94 (10/19/2019)
Improved interface (font size and colors, adjustable width of the “Information” box).
Improvement of the “Ephemeris” box.
Android : improvement of the “virtual reality mode”.
Version 3.0.93 (08/10/2019)
Improvement of the Russian version of the program.
Version 3.0.90 (07/20/2019)
Apollo 11 module : A small homage to the first steps on the Moon.
Translation of WinStars (website and software) into Russian. Thanks Sergey !
Version 3.0.89 (07/19/2019)
Android: compiled versions optimized for arm64-v8a and x86 processors
High-precision calculation module DE406
Version 3.0.88 (07/16/2019)
Galactic Module: Explore in 3D large clusters of galaxies
Version 3.0.86 (06/17/2019)
Real time Hubble’s orientation
Version 3.0.85 (06/10/2019)
The German version is complete (thank you Pedro!)
Preparation of the 3D navigation among the galaxies of the EDD catalogue
Version 3.0.84 (06/01/2019)
The AD/Dec and Azi/hau grids finally have labels
Version 3.0.83 (05/28/2019)
New deep sky catalogue (OpenNGC)
Version 3.0.81 (05/21/2019)
Source code refactoring
German translation (thanks Pedro Gomez!)
Version 3.0.79 (05/02/2019)
Improved 3D navigation among stars
Optimized module decompression
Version 3.0.78 (04/27/2019)
Rotation around objects is now easier with the mouse
Bug fixes
Version 3.0.75 (04/19/2019)
Addition of the Gaia DR 2 catalogue
Update of the SAC catalogue
Various improvements
Version 3.0.74 (03/27/2019)
Improvement of the rendering of the surface of the planets
Enhanced display of 3D objects
Bug fixes
Version 3.0.72 (03/07/2019)
The satellites are visible in the planetarium mode.
Still in planetarium mode, the Moon’s surface is now represented using high resolution textures. Place names are also displayed.
3D object display improved
Version 3.0.68 (02/14/2019)
Displays the position of many artificial satellites around the Earth.
WinStars will work even in the case of a main server failure.
Version 3.0.67 (01/27/2019)
New menu option (Maintenance) for reinitialising all settings, clearing the cache or uninstalling the program
Version 3.0.66 (01/25/2019)
Faster line drawing
Version 3.0.65 (01/23/2019)
Faster text display
Version 3.0.64 (01/21/2019)
More accurate selection of objects in planetarium mode
Improvement of the interface
Version 3.0.63 (01/18/2019)
Improvement of the interface
Version 3.0.62 (01/14/2019)
Compatible with the blender 3D object format
Detailed model of the International Space Station
Fixed minor bugs related to asteroids and comets
Version 3.0.61 (01/12/2019)
New “Geographical position” dialog box
Version 3.0.60 (01/07/2019)
New landscapes
Interface improvements
Fixed a problem with white boxes displayed on Intel HD Graphics
Version 3.0.58 (01/04/2019)
Fixed a problem with textures on 3D objects
Improvement of the fisheye effect
Version 3.0.57 (01/02/2019)
New optimisations
Bug fixes
Version 3.0.56 (12/22/2018)
This version manages objects in fbx format and improves the 3D rendering speed.
Version 3.0.55 (09/04/2018)
Fixed a crash at startup
Version 3.0.53 (09/02/2018)
Android : new system menu
Faster star rendering
Improvement of program behavior in windowed mode
Version 3.0.52 (08/25/2018)
New planetary surface rendering technique
New textures
Sun reflection in the oceans
Displays the names of craters, plains and fissures visible on the surface of planets and satellites
Fixed a bug affecting comets and asteroids
Version 3.0.51 (08/09/2018)
New “time and date” dialog box
Symbolic representation of deep sky objects
Many interface improvements
New icon to adjust the sky view according to the device’s sensors
Fixed a bug affecting the saving of parameters
Spanish Translation
An x86 version is now available
Version 3.0.42 (07/27/2018)
Many improvements, especially for the Android version
Version 3.0.32 (07/19/2018)
WinStars 3 full version becomes free for Linux
Fix OpenGL issues
Improved font display
Modification of “Asteroids” and “Comets” boxes
New textures
Better display of the relief on the Moon and Mars
Version 3.0.31 (07/16/2018)
Software performance optimization
“news” dialog box
Brighter sky for a better usability
Bug correction
Version 3.0.30 (06/18/2018)
The “observer position” dialog box has disappeared due to the update to version 5.11 of Qt.
In planetarium mode, the display disappeared if you searched the Earth.
Version 3.0.29 (05/28/2018)
First stable version of WinStars 3
Optimization of the Android version
Bugs fixed
Version 3.0.26 beta (05/19/2018)
Adding a video module
Eyepieces management
Changing menus in the Android version
Version 3.0.24 beta (04/26/2018)
Faster line drawing
Display menus faster
Correction of errors concerning the precession of equinoxes
Calculation optimization
New “Ephemeris” dialog box
Various adjustments (zoom limitation, ability to copy text from the information box and ephemeris)
Version 3.0.23 beta (2018/04/07)
Better moon surface rendering
Faster rendering of the “information” dialog box
Adjusting the screen brightness
Night mode
Fixed an issue with loading fonts
Version 3.0.22 beta (2018/03/30)
New module “Oumuamua”
Various improvements
Version 3.0.21 beta (2018/03/16)
Full screen mode
Access to Wikipedia pages for main objects
Improved fonts and colors
Improved module management
Many bugs fixed
Version 3.0.20 beta (2018/03/09)
Fixed a bug that causes a crash of the program when comets and/or asteroids are activated
Version 3.0.19 beta (2018/03/09)
Activation of telescope control (ASCOM interface) under Windows
Draws a line representing the horizon if a landscape is not displayed
Fixed “license” dialog box
Better rendering of the atmosphere of the planets
Bugs fixed
Version 3.0.18 beta (2018/02/27)
Improvement of the textures
Improvement of the “normal mapping” technique simulating the planets’ surfaces
Ability to select and track a star in the Tycho2 catalogue
Bugs fixed
Version 3.0.17 beta (2018/02/20)
“Brunier” module ( Improvement of sky rendering)
Bugs fixed
Version 3.0.16 beta (2018/02/16)
SSL connection error fixed
Version 3.0.15 beta (2018/02/15)
Help menu
3D Models of phobos, Deimos and asteroids
Many bugs fixed
Version 3.0.8 alpha (2018/01/09)
Textures update for the Sun and Pluto
Correction of a huge memory leak in the menu module